Assembly Of Motorized Positioning Stage
Motorized translation stages,motorized rotary stages and motorized goniometers from our company can be freely combined to be multi-axis motorized positioning stages.See combination samples below.Please contact our company for combination forms and exact requirements.
Precautions on asembly of motorized positioning stages;
1. Consider the limits on dead weight and load capacity of different motorized positioning stages in combination;
2.Consider load capacity and self locking of the motorized positioning stages in vertical applications,adding self locking mechanism if necessary;
3.Asymmetric load,allowable real asymmetric load when the load deviates from the center of motorized positioning stages.
F: allowable asymmetric load (kg)
W: allowable central load
L: distance between load center and the center of motorized positioning stage
D: distance between both guide rails of motorized positioning stage